Wednesday, August 22, 2012

RecycleBank Points Links

recyclebank is where I get all my free magazine subscriptions but you can also get coupons and other rewards. It is a very easy site to get rewards. If you do not have an account click here. 

2500points = $10 amazon or best buy gift card
finish everything below to earn  680 points

calculate your carbon footprint - 5points
make summers sustainable - 25points
prevent food waste at home - 30points
eco-academy 1st period - 185points
eco-academy NW lockers - 50 points
eco-academy science lab - 175 points
green choices challenge august  - 50 points
life cycle of a cereal box - 25 points
think before you trash  - 25 points
pledge to recycle your shoes - 5 points
re-refined motor oil - 25 points
recycling in the bathroom - 30 points
greener weekdays - 25 points
greener weekends - 25 points

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