Monday, October 21, 2013

Truvia Review

So here is another sample for me to review. I seem to be getting a few these days, which is perfectly fine with me since I love reviewing things. Well tonight one of the items I will be reviewing is Truvia. Truvia comes from the Stevia plant found in South America and has been used as a sweetener for decades. Now I must admit as far as alternatives to sugar this may be the best yet. Although there is a bit of a bite to it before it turns sweet it taste fairly similar to sugar. I drink a lot of tea and coffee and a zero calorie sugar is something I would love to have but I have found that most alternatives make my beverages taste more chemically. The one downside to Truvia is the price. Where sugar generally sells for $.50 a lb with Truvia you will be looking to spend more like $8 a lb. So really if it's worth it is completely on how much you are willing to pay for that real sugar taste without the calories.

This review is my own. I was compensated for my time with 4 small samples and 2 coupons for $.55 off Truvia. 

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